You Contain Multitudes: For Authors, Entreprenuers, Solopreneurs, Multipreneurs

A new interpretation reveals a solid business strategy and endless options to cultivate

Sharon Woodhouse
5 min readSep 21, 2023
Photo by Lazar Gugleta on Unsplash.

I want to suggest that as an author, you should consider yourself a solopreneur, a business of one.

Then I want to stress that as a solopreneur, you are a real entrepreneur. Even having to emphasize that makes my heart sink a bit, but I want you to fully grasp it, and so…italics.

That is, businesses of one count. They matter. They can and should operate like true businesses. They’re not just one person making a job for themselves.

Author businesses of one are entrepreneurial. And they should be. It’s my firm belief that taking an entrepreneurial approach to your author life and book marketing is the hands-down best way to achieve whatever you want from your book, financial or otherwise.

Entrepreneurial? Hustling, creative, strategic, income and exposure oriented, excellence and service driven, footloose, fancy-free, and independent.

From there, let’s take a leap from entrepreneur to multipreneur. Why not?

I’d always thought of a multipreneur as someone who owns multiple businesses, but I recently saw a slightly…



Sharon Woodhouse

Sharon Woodhouse is an author coach, publishing consultant, and project manager. She was an indie book publisher for 25 years.