Representative Favorites

Link to my Top 10 representative stories

Sharon Woodhouse
2 min readJul 7, 2021
Northern lights in Stakkholtsgja canyon, Iceland.
Photo by Jonatan Pie on Unsplash.

Here are ten of my personal favorites that are also representative of my stylistic approaches and topical choices.

  1. Marketing Tips for Freelancers Who Don’t Want to Niche: First, here’s your permission slip
  2. Defensive Entrepreneurship: A Strategy for Succeeding In Business and Life: Create a structure for falling back on a plan B, C, and D
  3. Indie Bookstores Should Formally Become the Private Clubs They Already Are: Hear me out…at least SOME of them
  4. What Is Existential Coaching and How Can It Help Us? A most excellent method for engaging issues of meaning, authenticity, responsibility, anxiety, and more
  5. Enhancing Your Presence in Life, Work, and Relationships: 5 areas to explore for showing up and being there
  6. Attachment Theory, Negative Ions, and Epigenetic Negotiating: 3 Mysteries of Twin Brains: My big questions about how I’m linked to my identical twin
  7. We Are Stakeholders and Inheritors of the American Economy: UBI, universal basic income, instead of cradle-to-grave social welfare programs
  8. Freelancers, Here’s How You Get Paid — Always and Mostly on Time: Don’t get stiffed by clients again
  9. Post-Pandemic Bibliotherapy for Nonfiction Lovers: How everything bad, imperfection, fantasy, sociopaths, democratized wealth, utopia, and refusing to choose are good right now
  10. The Problem with My Vintage Lamp Collection: The lights of our ancestors illuminate our home

Sharon Woodhouse is the owner of Conspire Creative, which offers coaching, consulting, conflict management, project management, book publishing, and editorial services for solo pros, creatives, authors, small businesses, and multipreneurs. To support me and more writing like this, please consider signing up to become a medium member. It’s just $5 a month and you get unlimited access to Medium’s content.



Sharon Woodhouse

Sharon Woodhouse is an author coach, publishing consultant, publishing project manager, and former indie book publisher.