I am an author coach, publishing consultant, multipreneur, book publisher, and lover of ideas, cities, science, and humans.
For over 25 years I ran an indie book publishing company I founded when I was 25. My business ultimately came to have three imprints, a distribution component, and a hybrid publishing wing. Now, with a small team, I focus on publishing consulting, coaching authors to meet their goals and expand their ideas of what's all possible for them, and managing self-publishing projects.
My specialty in this area, also my favorite thing, is encouraging authors to take an entrepreneurial approach to their author goals and author careers, including showing them how to go about it and supporting them in making it so.
In fact, I think this route of incrementally creating a sustainable, profitable sideline, part-time business, or full-time enterprise is the hands-down best way (and the only way for many) for nearly any author to make ongoing income and realize sustained satisfaction from their books and author life.
Are you an author looking for such rewards? Increased exposure, income, and satisfaction around your book/s, experience, knowledge, and author status? Here are ways I can help you:
1. (FREE) Follow me here on Medium where I write articles (almost 200 to date) for authors, authorpreneurs, book promoters, and anyone wanting a holistic view of the publishing industry and making income related to book writing.
2. (FREE) Subscribe to my ABC (Author Business Coaching) Nudge newsletter to receive a brief 3x/month email nudge to help you keep your author goals and income on track with accountability, tested ideas, new information, and fresh perspectives.
3. (FREE) To talk more about your author goals and questions, feel free to sign up for a free 30-minute call with me. This is not a sales call, but a call to discuss your goals and ask a few questions. If I can help you further, I'll take a couple minutes at the end to suggest those things to you. 4. (FREE, for 3 months) Please try out my private Facebook group, A Profitable Author Life You Love, for authors working on building a part-time or full-time business around their books, experience/expertise, and author status. Free for your first three months. No strings attached or obligations upon signup. Just come, participate, learn, and enjoy new results! Five days a week, there's content on different themes (Mindset Mondays, Event Tuesdays, Marketing Wednesdays, Sales Thursdays, and Business Development Fridays). 5. An Author Business Model Worksheet. An inexpensive 16-tab spreadsheet that helps you customize an author income plan/business model that works for you. It is based on 13 broad categories of author income I have identified in my 25+ years as an indie book publisher and overlapping 15+ years as an author entrepreneurship coach and consultant. Use the worksheet to: Refine and tweak an author business plan; learn about and test a range of author/book income sources; estimate and forecast your earnings; and track actual income and plan ahead.
6. One Hour Call with a Publisher. Sign up for a one-hour call to ask me all your questions about publishing, publishing options, book marketing, agents, anything and everything. Pay for a one-hour call and get a free one-year membership in A Profitable Author Life You Love Facebook group.
7. Author Coaching. Get weekly, biweekly, or monthly support on the timeline of your choice while you work towards author goals like finishing a manuscript, finding an agent, finding a publisher, self-publishing, book marketing, and/or building an author business. All coaching clients automatically get free membership in the A Profitable Author Life You Love Facebook group.
8. Self-Publishing Project Management. If you need start-to-finish or partial help with any aspect of self-publishing, get in touch.
Photo by Linday Stayton.