167 Non-Bookstore Places for Authors and Publishers to Sell Their Books

Real authors and publishers I know have sold books at all these places, often in larger quantities than at bookshops

Sharon Woodhouse
4 min readMay 19, 2023
Photo by Jezael Melgoza on Unsplash.

It can be SO hard to sell books. Until it isn’t. When you start seeing readers and opportunities everywhere. When you start recognizing where to find and how to find your customers and fans.

Because it’s so easy to fall into thinking that no one reads anymore. Except that 331 million ebooks alone were checked out of U.S. libraries last year.

Or fall into thinking that no one buys books anymore. Until you face the fact that almost 789 million books were purchased in the U.S. last year. The U.S. book industry is big, about $30-billion-a-year-big.

Some times we just need a new perspective. How about this one? People in the U.S. are reading tons of books and buying tons of books. Now factor in that there are almost four times as many humans who know English outside of the U.S. — well over 1 BILLION humans — as in the U.S.

There are readers and there are book buyers all around us, ok?

Below are 167 places and ways to sell books that aren’t bookstores. That aren’t Amazon.



Sharon Woodhouse

Sharon Woodhouse is an author coach, publishing consultant, and project manager. She was an indie book publisher for 25 years. www.conspirecreative.com